Bitter Cold out and bitter cold in!

Weather: High: 13 degrees!!!!  & sunny. (Like it matters!)
Windchill now: -20 (YES THAT READS MINUS!)

Here’s the rub–last night at 8:00 it was 50 DEGREES!!

The roads are a virtual ice skating rink and Hammond is doing its usal crap job of salting the roads. Sigh.

Can’t seem to get in the holiday spirit. I’ve tried. But no use. The music annoys me and the annual family dramafest has kicked in , making Christmas one more thing to “just get through” rather than enjoy. I’m really getting tired of all this BS competition every year. MAye putting a couple thousand miles between us and the source of the drama might actually get my love of the season back. Yule is second only to Halloween for me.

Okay, just skip the next bit because it’s just me indulging in OCD behaviour:

Three Days Grace: Scared (Live from the Palace)

Possibly tons of snow tonight….Gah!

Snowy Monday and probably a short post today.

Weather: SNOWY. See subject line! (High: 31 degrees)

December already. WOW!

Can’t believe this weather. Granted it’s DECEMBER and it should be snowing…just seems weirdly sudden for some reason.

Have been writing like crazy and very happy with what’s been getting done. I love when the plot points start lining up and the looses ends start tying themselves up. Whee! 6000+ words this weekend, so nothing to sneeze at!

Thanksgiving was a lot of fun and a lot of food! WE stopped by the in-laws for some tea and boiled cake which was NOM NOM NOM. Had a good convo, especially with my FIL. Then we darted off to my mum’s for the massive meal of DOOOOOM. She cooked a 23 lb turkey PLUS an additional turkey breast so there was plenty to take home for all. Bri and I took home a ton of fixings as well. SO GOOD! Add in some food from the in-laws and additional beef and veggies from the dinner we cooked for the in-laws on Saturday and our fridge is fairly bursting with food.

Anyway. Winding down. This week is gonna be busy what with training and reports due as well.

Hopefully I’ll be able to post from home in the evening.

Post holiday weekend malaise….

weather: Weekend-cool and delightful! A fourth of July that was in the 70s. What’s not to like?
Today: Meh. Back to 87 degrees and humid. And stormy. Well its July. So can’t really complain.

Back at work after a truly relaxing weekend. No fuss no muss. Saturday was the only day we went out and that was to go out for a wonderful Mexican meal with Margaritas (Of which I had one too many!) and then BOWLING. ZOMG! I forgot how much fun drunk bowling could be! I won 2 of 3 games, and Bri won the other. Lisa and Tom accompanied us and we all had a great time!

The fourth is always bittersweet for me, because it’s my dad’s birthday. So we visited his gravesite and mom and Bri and I all had a shot of Akavit in honor of him, also pouring a shot on his gravestone so he could share. How street of us. 😉

Saw the Doctor Who finale on Saturday as well…Am kind of torn about it. I won’t make any spoilery comments, but I think one section was done sheerly for fanfic shippers and the ending, while sad, was necessary, though I think it could have been handled better. Honestly, I think there was just too much stuff going on in there. But a fanwank of the highest degree, in the best possible sense.

Still missing Apache. And now we have her ashes to bury. Sigh. Snoots is still confuzzled. He’s not quite understanding where the second food bowl has disappeared to or why we’re just LAVISHING attention on him.

Well, not much else to report other than Dead!Laptop has gone to the Laptop!Resurrection ship in hopes of revival. We shall see.

New Mooon on Wednesday….(Nope, doesn’t have the same ring)

Things at home are settling down a little. Snoots has been enjoying the added attention and we’ve been happy with a grey furry distraction.

Bri got the call today from the vet that Apache’s ashes are ready. We’ll be burying her near my dad’s gravesite. I think it’s appropriate.

Need to get my damn laptop fixed. My writing is suffering from not being able to type it out. Writing longhand is only good for a short term as I have a tendency not to be able to read my own writing after a few days. Sad but true.

The 4th is this weekend, Friday to be precise. Bri and I will be visiting my dad’s grave and then heading back to Chez Nous for a quiet dinner and movies. We both have just decided to make the Fourth our own holiday. I hate traveling with all the psychos and drunks on the road when we return from the relatives’ places. Besides, our big celebration for this day was my dad’s birthday…and let’s be blunt. We’re not really doing that anymore.

Want DESPERATELY to go see Hellboy II when it comes out next weekend. I mean COME ON!!!